Welcome to Kithu Dana Pubuduwa!
Rev. Fr. Oscar Abayaratne who became an instrument in the hands of the Holy Spirit in building up the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa states as follows: “ The Pubuduwa came into existence not through human constitution, planning nor programming but through what God himself designed within my mind and heart. The beginning of the Pubuduwa cannot be said to have occurred on a particular day of the month and year. It might have been towards the end of May 1971. The Pubuduwa “happened” to the surprise of many people.
Sharing on Prayer
January 2025
Pubudu News
Repentance service and Commitment service were conducted in the Daraluwa church in the Kuliyapitiya shrawakasangaya on the 30 of July 2023....
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Repentance service and Commitment service were conducted in the Mihindugama church in the Ambakandawila Parish in the Chilaw sangikaya on the 22nd, and 23rd of July 2023....
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“But we proclaim Christ crucified. The Lord Jesus Christ has Conquered the world.”...
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Christ gloriously defeats death and rises and becomes the light that dispels the darkness in our lives....
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Our experience this time in the baptism feast was that no matter what kind of knowledge and understanding we personally have about Jesus Christ in our mind and intellect, what the Holy Spirit reveals about him will surpass all these things....
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The people in the renewal gathered in the Sri Prashansaramaya for three days from the 22nd till the 24th-midnight vigil Mass. They reflected on the true meaning of Christmas and the profound mystery of the Incarnation. ...
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Our Sections
Ages 1 - 12
Student Boys
Grade 6 - 12
Student Girls
Grade 6 - 12
Youth Boys
Youth Boys Section
Youth Girls
Youth Girls Section
Family Section
Need Spiritual Guidance?
Looking for a safe, prayerful space
For you to unburden?
Call between 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. (SL time) to make an appointment
Dr. Delryn Wanigarathne Thaththa
+94 718 505 826 or +94 776 854 007